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HS2 Health, Safety and Wellbeing Review, 2023

HS2 is the biggest construction scheme in Europe and this report explains the work we are undertaking as we strive to keep everyone safe, healthy and well.

The size of HS2 and the duration of the project – in planning, construction and its 120-year service life – makes Britain’s high-speed rail network an unprecedented infrastructure programme.

This report, which covers our work up to and including the financial year 2022/23, considers our evolving approach to health and safety as the risks continue to change.

Health and safety remain the starting and end points for all our activity, captured in our overarching, project-wide commitment to be Safe at Heart. The case studies featured in this report show the practical ways we are safeguarding health and safety. They provide an insight into HS2’s scope of works and the different ways we are rising to the health and safety challenges posed across this flagship Government scheme.

The report also shows how we’re performing against rigorous health and safety performance criteria. The information is set out in the scorecard on page 21. As this is our first report of this type, we’ve also included details of our performance in previous years.

Resource history

17 May 2023
17 May 2023